Dan's Custom Welding Tables LLC
Dan's Custom Welding Tables LLC

With low equipment, operational and maintenance costs, Air King indusrial air cleaners are an economical way to improve your overall air quality.

M - 30 Is Only $2995.00 with pressure gauge.

 The M-30 series features (2) four inch pleated, Merv 8, industrial pre-filters which catch the larger particales, extending the life of the (2) second stage, Merv 11 or optional Merv 15, multi-pocket bag filters. Our disposable filters easy to service and provide for simple, low cost maintenance.

Disposable filter on each end
(2) Pre-filter 24" x 24" x 4" pleated
(2) Primary bag filter 21" 8 pocket bags
Blower: 10 x 10 Direct drive, two speed


Welding smoke/fumes; Grinding dust; Bondo dust; Oil Mist; Diesel fumes; Other smoke/dust contaminants


Disposable filters----------------------Cleaner, healthier environment

Easy installation-----------------------Cost effective

Four way louvers----------------------Airflow pattern control

Powder coated-------------------------Durable

Filter change indicator----------------Identifies filter change 


Dimensions-------------------24"W x 24"T x 72"L

Weight------------------------180 pounds

Pre-filter----------------------24" x 24" x 4"

Primary filter-----------------21" 8 pocket bag filter

Volume------------------------3000 CFM

Motor--------------------------3/4 HP PSC; 115/1/60; 10.2 Amps

Power-------------------------10" power cord; 1250 watts

Blower------------------------10 x 10 Direct drive, two speed

Mounting Methods:

* Hung with Chains

* Mounted with all-threaded rods

* Install using wall brackets

Replacement filters are available

Outside Filter $27 each, sold by the case  (1case = 6 filters $195.00)

Inside Bag Filter $95 each, sold by the case

(1 case = 4 filters $430.00) 

Prices subject to change

Where to Find Us:

Dan's Custom Welding Tables LLC
65728 300th St
Gibbon, MN 55335




Monday - Thursday  6:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.

Friday & Saturday - Calls welcome, Shop open by appointment.

Sunday - Closed 


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